Khalsa School has an upper limit of 35 Students per class section.

A high level assessment is done based on age and initial interview with the student as well as his/her parents/guardians. Based on this initial assessment, if there is an open spot available in that class level, the student proceeds to second level of detailed assessment as described above. And Admission/fees process is completed accordingly.

In a situation where the class is full, the new student is put on wait-list and admission process is resumed should an open spot comes-up during the school year session.

If admission is confirmed, the student is given 6 weeks to catch-up on make-up tests and other assignments established as part of curriculum. The late admission students are encouraged to spend extra time with their teachers to come up to speed. The Fremont Khalsa School is blessed with teacher volunteers who are willing and able to facilitate late admissions with dedication.

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